Saturday, January 3, 2009

24 Weeks to IMCDA - Injured

It's 24 weeks until Ironman Cour d'Alene, this is when my serious training was set to begin. I have been in "the boot" for 4 weeks with 3 weeks still to go. No biking and no running. I have a stress fracture on my left fibula, which has now caused over compensation injuries on my right side. I've been depressed and all the training momentum I had gain, I have lost. In the first few weeks of my injury I also had the holidays, and even more importantly my daughter, Amber, had ACL replacement surgery. She's doing great, and I should follow her lead of doing ab work in between her set of excises for her ACL recovery.
However, I have fallen into the wine and cheese method of not training. But, it's January 3rd a new year and the only way I am going to make this work is to start doing what I actually can do. That is swim and upper body work and the recumbent bike in my boot. I have time to gain swim endurance, the one sport I still do not enjoy.

Yesterday I went to the gym and did an hour on the recumbent and then a 30 minute core class. I love Emily's classes, they kick my butt. Today I did 30 minutes on the recumbent, 40 minutes of upper body strength training and 30 minutes in the pool. I need to double my pool and recumbent bike time until I get get out on the road again.
I need motivation, just getting fat is not enough to get me back out there. How sad is that?

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