Total Training hours this week 23:33:17.
Welcome back to the build. I think last week and actually taking it a little bit easier then the schedule you gave me was a very good thing. I was exhausted.
Sunday - I woke up and ate until I was pretty full. A large bowl of cheerios with an entire banana sliced on top. I wanted to start this run on a full stomach. Honestly, I should have had a PB&Honey sandwich and a Gu for breakfast. Maybe I'll try that next week. So, my run went well. I had wanted to negative split it but that didn't happen. I started cramping in my calves around mile 13 and by mile 14 my back was really bothering me.
Distance - 17 miles, Time - 3:08:06, Pace - 11:04, HR - 140
1st 3rd - Pace - 10:54, HR - 139 (low zone 2)
2nd 3rd - Pace - 10:54, HR - 141 (low zone 2)
3rd 3rd - Pace 11:23, HR - 142 (low zone 2)
Later in the afternoon I did an easy 90 minute spin on my bike. It actually felt good and I kept the gears super easy.
Total Time - 4:38:06
Monday - I moved my swim until Tuesday, because I have more time in the morning. I did strength training at the gym and worked my legs pretty hard. Plus some core work. I still can't get into weights, but I just keep hoping. I spent 45 minutes working out at the gym.
Spin I did the 90 minutes on the trainer, watching TV, talking to my daughter. Well, until her boyfriend came over about 50 minutes into my ride, so the last 40 I was watching TV. Again, it hurts to spin after strength.
Total Time - 2:15:00
Tuesday - I felt like shit in the pool. First off, I did Wednesday's swim today because I have more time, and it is a longer work out. You know how some days you just don't have it? Today was one of those days. I ate an apple on my way to the pool in the morning (along with my coffee) but I felt like a piece of lead in the water. I just couldn't move. My 100's started at a 2:08 pace and I was swimming a 2:22 pace by the end of the set. Over all I swam 3,000 in 1:08:30, for an average pace of 2:17/100. I swear I was tired at the 1600 mark and had to force myself to keep going.
Run - nice and easy 6 miles. My heart rate started in zone 5, then it would jump to 1, then I was pretty steady in high zone 2 for a long time until the last mile or so. I never felt bad, but my HR monitor kept slipping off me.
Distance - 6.0 miles, Time - 1:05:09, Pace - 10:52, HR - 153 (3 beats into zone 3)
Spin - Umm, yeah I really didn't have the "brick" class in me. I worked hard on the bike, but I didn't push the run. Knowing I have 1 mile repeats tomorrow . . well I guess you could say I punked it, or you could say I was being prudent. You pick.
Total Time 3:13:39
Wednesday - There's nothing like getting up at 4:00am to go swimming, nope nothing like it. I also got new goggles, the same aqua sphere mask-like goggles that you have. I like them a lot. At first they kind of block some of my vision but what am I staring at? The line at the bottom of the pool. Also, I think it will help protect my face more from the cold water at CDA. Anyway, onto my swim. It's funny I actually felt much better on my swim today yet my 100 pace average was only 1 second faster then yesterday and my distance was shorter by 500 meters.
So, I felt better but I swam about the same. I swam 2500 meters, time - 56:42, pace - 2:16/100
Speed work running - Let me start by saying I was not in the mood to do this, I kept procrasting at my desk to avoid going out there. I started my warm up and like most days when you feel like crap, you have an awesome workout. The last mile was tough, not just because I was getting tired but it also had more uphill then the rest of the miles. When I strated this I decided I would be happy if I could hold a 9:00 - 9:30 pace, so needless to say, I'm pretty happy with how I did.
Distance 6.0 miles, Time - 58:17, Pace -9:43, HR - 152 (2 beats into zone 3)
Warm Up - Pace 11:50, HR - 124 (zone 1)
Mile 1 - Pace - 8:48, HR - 159 (zone 3) (rest pace - 11:44, HR - 140 (zone 2))
Mile 2 - Pace 8:39, HR - 162 (first beat of zone 4) (rest pace 12:51, HR - 145 (zone 2))
Mile 3 - Pace - 8:14, HR - 165 (zone 4) (rest pace - 13:17, HR - 143)
Mile 4 - Pace - 8:54, HR - 164 (zone 4)
Cool Down - Pace 11:02, HR - 144 (zone 2)
Strength Training - I did upper body focusing on swim muscles; lats, lower lats, triceps. I also did some core work.
Total Time 2:34:59
Thursday - My morning spin, I did not make it through the entire 90 minutes but I went a respectable 70 minutes. My legs are pretty tired and big chain on the trainer, well it just hurt.
My run - a 4 mile easy zone 2 run has never sounded as good as it did today. The distance is short, the pace is easy, it's all good. I felt really good on the run too. I did a lot of finish line visualization - all finishing in the daylight - all a PR. :-) I crack myself up when I get so into I find myself crying on my run, but that's exactly what happened to day, several times. Oh and Lance Armstrong was there putting on my finisher's medal. Funny the way the mind works.
Distance - 4.72 miles (yeah, I went a little over), Time - 51:03, Pace - 10:49, HR - 146 (zone 2)
Total Time 2:01:03
Friday - OK, so I guess you know how this day went. It was my fastest 100 mile ride ever. Thank you so much for riding with me, all day. When you said you were going to ride 6 hours with me I laughed thinking there is no way I can ride 100 miles in 6 hours. Who knew?
Distance - 102.0, Time - 6:07:29, Pace - 16.6, HR - 127 (holy shit . . that is still zone 1)
What do I have to do to get my ass in zone 2 and if I averaged zone 1 why did I feel so crappy?
1st 50 - Time - 3:01:02, Pace - 16.6, HR - 125 (zone 1)
2nd 50 - Time - 2:58:37, Pace - 16.8, HR - 129 (last beat of zone 1)
Last 2 miles - Time - 7:49, Pace - 14.9, HR - 139 (zone 2 at last wow, slowest speed highest heart rate)
My run sucked, I felt like crap, light headed. But I did it.
Run - 3.94 miles, Time - 47:37, Pace - 12:04 (My IM pace), HR - 139 (zone2)
Total Time 6:55:06
Saturday - This was by far the worst swim I have ever had. It was very choppy and lots of waves, I was being thrown all over the place. I really wanted to bail after the fist 2,000 the thought of doing another lap was not all appealing. Then I thought well, race day I can't control the water. But here's the thing, my swim was the one thing I felt good about, the area I've been improving in and now this. FUCK!
Distance - 4,000 , Time - 1:55:24, Pace - 2:52 (seriously, WTF???)
Not even on my worse days have I been swimming like that. Now I know open water is different and I drank a lot of water, my goggles leaked and my right eye is burning on fire, very red and painful. Now I don't feel well, I feel sick to my stomach, I have a head ache and I'm not at Kim's party. Kyle's in a mood and I just didn't want to go down there alone. I suck as a friend and athlete. This is just a bad bad day.
Total Time 1:55:24