Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ironman Coeur d'Alene Race Report

I started Ironman Coeur d'Alene without any expectations, my thoughts were with all of you. I found myself standing with friends on the far right side waiting for the race start. The forecast for the day was cold (we had a high of 58) and rain which wasn't going to hit until later in the day. Looking out at the water, I could see the swells starting, and someone very wise told me her mantra for the swim, "the pocket of air is always there".

The gun went off and I made my way to the water, I eased in making sure my goggles wouldn't leak and I started to swim. I felt that for every three strokes forward, I was pushed back two. I would look up to sight and all I would see would be a wall of water, but when I would turn to the left to breath the pocket of air was there, always. I would try and adjust my swim to sight during a swell, when I was above the main surface to look for that goal, the coveted red turn around buoy.

The water was crystal clear and I could see the other swimmers legs, arms, and faces around me. There we all were, all fighting the same currents, all working towards that same goal. We all have different speeds, techniques, and stories that brought all of us to this same place on this same day. So as I was swimming I was people watching and thinking about everyone around me. I couldn't help but think as we tackled each swell that we all have struggles but here we all where working through it together. When things got tough and I needed to breath, I only needed to turn my head towards that pocket of air, take a deep breath and continue on.

Eventually I reached that red buoy and once I turned around those same waves I was struggling against carried me to the shore. Just in time for me to turn around and do it all again for the second loop. Eventually I made it out of the water and went on to have on the best racing day of my life. I truly believe it's because I wasn't thinking of myself. I set myself free to enjoy the day and the universe rewarded me. Even though the weather wasn't the best, white caps in the water, wind on the bike and rain on the run (ok, I love the rain on the run) my day was perfect. I enjoyed the tail wind, and pushed through the head wind. I felt the rain on my face, and saw friends all along the race course all day, both racing and cheering.

I know so many of us these days are having a tough time, there are so many struggles in life and in the world. We are all fighting our own currents and waves. But know that your pocket of air is always there. Your pocket of air could be your family, faith, your best friend, a stranger, an organization, your own inner strength, but it is there. If you just keep breathing things will turn around. When you are on top of that swell, look forward set your sights on a goal and keep moving forward, you will reach it.

So, I challenge all of you to be that pocket of air for someone, open yourself up to the possibilities the universe puts in front of you and grab it. As cliche as it sounds and as simple as it is, do random act of kindness. Let that frazzled Mom go ahead of you at the grocery store, even though she has a full cart of groceries. Leave a large tip when you go out to eat. Take time to listen, advise, or be quiet, just take the time. I don't know what opportunity will present itself to you, but you will. Don't walk away, don't think I'll do it another day . . do it now. Be that person.

My favorite quote is by Gandhi, Be the change that you want to see in the world. In this time of uncertainty and economic woes, be that change. Help one another.

Kyle was there all day near the transition area and on his bike, my dear friend Deb was all over the bike course cheering me on and recruiting strangers to cheer for me as well. I had several friends racing and their family all over the course. I realized how lucky I am, both by my life and my health that allows me to do this and have such amazing support.

My overall time was 14:18:52, a personal record by 46 minutes. Oh and for those of you that are wondering my marathon time was 5:08:41, I beat Katie Holmes's stand alone marathon time by 21 minutes, finally.

Thanks to all of you. I'm looking forward to all the things we will accomplish individually and as a group. Now, I think I need to go sing kumbaya for a while.

Peace out and give it away!

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