Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week Of 3/15 - 3/21 - 13 Weeks

OMG, I am sooo tired. I can't wait for recovery week.

Sunday - My run was surprisingly awesome. I can not believe how good I felt. It was morning, but warm. There was a nice cool breeze and there were a lot of other people out enjoying the day. I had my iPod, my health, after after the long day yesterday with lots of people I was happy to just be alone. It took me about 4 miles to really settle into my pace.

overall distance 11.3 miles, time - 2:05:17, pace - 11:05, HR - 148

miles 1 - 5.68 - pace - 11:24, HR - 151(first beat in zone 3)
miles 5.69 - 11.3 - pace - 10:47, HR - 146 (zone 2 baby)

That's right baby, you are looking at a negative split with a lower heart rate.

Then in the afternoon I went and played around in the pool. met one of my SheRox's girls. This girl is fast and has tons of potential. She swim 14 - 16 strokes without trying. She turns 30 next week and I got her to join Landis, we could use her for Tempe International.

Monday - I moved my swim to tomorrow, I had to be at work at 6:30am.
Strength Training - core an legs, I am pushing weight. I just think about how it's going to make me stronger.

Tuesday - What a f'n long ass day . . . . . . . OMG! So my morning started with yesterday's swim. Let's just say I under estimated what it would take. I cut the swim short and only did a 2,000. I did the warm up, the cool down and 900 of speed. I'll do 3000 tomorrow. BUT here is the great news. My speed work - the 6 x50's with 20 seconds rest, my fastest was a 52 and my slowest was a 56. How sweet is that? Then the 600 hard I swam in 11:48, that's a 1:58/100 pace for 600 meters. I remember when I couldn't even do that for 100 meters, it was only a few months ago. I'm getting so excited about my swim.

Run - I had an easy 7 at lunch. I felt great right away, my heart rate was steady and I fell into my run easily. I love these kids of days, no effort just easy.
Distance - 7.0 miles, time - 1:17:27, pace - 11:04 (right on target), HR - 145 (zone 2 baby)

Spin Class - I have no words, I was just thankful that I didn't have to run after.
Wednesday - My swim - I swam 3,000 since I punked on the 1,000 speed work on Tuesday.
But I just did the 1,000 extra with a buoy. I'm tired, so so tired. I'm thinking speed work this close to recovery week is just wrong. My swim was not great, my stroke count was high, I couldn't get into the rhythm. Overall I averaged a 2:14/100. I'm still improving even on crap days.

Strength Training - I didn't make it. My in laws came into town today. I needed to get home and finish cleaning my house before they got there. Rush rush rush.

Thursday - So today is a very busy day for me and something has to give, it ended up being my 90 minute spin. The most important thing today is my son's 20th birthday (yeah Happy Birthday to Brandon), so tonight is a big family dinner. I also have a DDS appointment at 2:30, so I needed to be in the office super early today so I could leave at 1:30pm. Yep so when my alarm went off at 3:00am so I could spin and as tired as I am, it simple did not happen.

Now, I get into the office and someone has brought doughnuts. Seriously, doughnuts. I hadn't had a doughnut in about 7 years. I'm looking at them and thinking, if I can't have a doughnut during Ironman training, when can I have a doughnut? So, of course I ate one. It tasted so good, so sweet, the glaze tickled my lips and the feeling of granular sugary treats swept through my mouth. Heaven. So, I had another. Then I felt ill. Note to self: if you haven't eaten sweets like that, wait a while before having seconds.

My run - even though I need to leave early, my boss is off today, so I did go for my 6 mile run. I did the 2 mile warm up, 3 hard miles and a mile cool down. Overall, not a bad run.

Warm Up: distance - 2 miles, time - 21:29, pace - 10:45, HR - 145 (zone 2)
Mile 3 - pace - 8:55, HR - 169 (zone 4)
Mile 4 - pace - 8:46, HR - 173 (zone 4)
Mile 5 - pace - 9:08, HR - 169 (zone 4) (yep I started feeling pretty crappy here, let's just say I could taste the doughnuts again . . not so yummy this time, but still sweet)
Cool Down Mile 6 - pace 11:50, HR - 157 (zone 3)

Overall: Distance - 6.0 miles, time - 1:00:07, pace - 10:02, HR - 158 (zone 3)

Friday - sweet sweet day off.
Saturday - So, as you know I moved my nice easy Sunday run to today and my bike to tomorrow. So, today I an a 5K with Kyle's parents in the morning. We rocked. Kyle and his mom won their age groups (Kyle was 11th overall) and Kyle's Dad and I both took 3rd.

The 5K - I tried to lap every mile. Distance 3.19 miles, Pace - 8:17, HR - 167 (zone 4)

Mile 1.02: pace - 8:07, HR - 162 (zone 4)
Mile 0.98: pace - 8:09, HR - 170 (zone 4)
Mile 1:18 pace - 8:23 (yep, I can only hold it for 2 miles), HR - 171 (zone 4)

Then I ran the additional 3 miles later in the afternoon.

I ran an additional 3 miles later. Distance - 3.0 miles, pace - 1:54, HR - 146 (zone 2)

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