Saturday, March 28, 2009

12 Weeks and Counting - Week of 3/22 - 3/28

Oh recovery week, how art thou recovery week. I will be sorry to see you go.

Sunday - OMG! the winds were 26 miles per hour with 40 mile per hour gusts. Originally this was named the Merry Go Round ride, since I was on call I was doing a 20 mile loop up and down Cave Creek, never being more than 5 miles from home. About 4 hours in and alone I dubbed this the porn ride because I was either getting head or tail. Originally I had wanted to do 80 miles even though I only had 75 on my schedule. Well I was alone from mile 50 on, and even though I was never far from home, I didn't want to stop for water after I ran out (I know, I know . .I wasn't thinking straight). But as I was on that last lap and close to the spot where I would turn to hit 75 miles, I suddenly hit a swarm of bugs . . but then I realized it wasn't just any bugs I was riding through a swarm of bees (seriously, there were all around and on me). I did not get stung but decided that was God telling me to turn my ass around and do the 75.

Total Distance - 75.64 miles, Time - 4:38:56, Pace - 16.3mph, HR - 124 (mid zone 1)
Loop 1 - Distance - 20.03 miles, Pace - 16.5mph - HR - 123 (mid zone 1)
Loop 2 - Distance 20 miles, Pace - 16.6mph, HR - 122 (zone 1)
Loop 3 - Distance 20.08 miles, Pace - 16.0mph, HR - 123 The wind REALLY starting picking up here. (zone 1)
Loop 4 - Distance - 15.52 miles, Pace - 15.52, HR - 133 (finally low zone 2)

So, I'm not really sure why I was hanging on zone 1 all day? What's up with me and zone 1? Plus this is my new lower zone 1.

My brick - ok my bad I thought it was a 5 mile run, not 6 (sorry) I only did 5 easy.

Distance - 5.07 miles, Time - 56:15, Pace - 11:05, HR - 139 (low zone 2)

Monday - Sweet, sweet recovery week. I love recovery week. OK my swim - 1000 easy, so I swam with a buoy for 1/2 hour, no watch no lap counter. So I probably did about 1300. :-) Then I went home, ate dinner, drank some wine and went to bed. :-)

Tuesday - I got up and did my spin in the morning, 1 hour easy.
My run (from yesterday) I ran 5 miles and felt great, but of course I love the low heart rate miles.

Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 53:44, Pace - 10:45, HR - 144 (mid zone 2)

Wednesday - swim - So I did 1,000 easy. 500 swim, 500 buoy. I was actually faster without the buoy. 500 swim 10:29, 500 buoy 11:18. Hmmm, that's odd. Overall I felt good, thought about doing more but decided against it. It is recovery week after all.

Thursday - Spin - I did 1:15 on my trainer easy in the am before work. I moved yesterdays run to today, because well, I was in class yesterday and could not run at work AND I had the SheRox's run. So, I ran at lunch and then again after work.

Lunch hour run - Distance - 3.5 miles, Time - 37:33, Pace - 10:44, HR - 144 (zone 2)

SheRox Run (man was this ever windy) - Distance 3.05 miles, Time - 37:02, Pace - 12:10 (hanging with my girls), HR - (didn't wear it).

Friday - Sweet sweet day off . . . . . .Oh how I love a day off.

Saturday - Last day of my recovery . . .people didn't think this was a "recovery" ride. We rode to 7 Springs and then through the rollers in Cave Creek. Fun! Then on my run I felt pretty good, I was steady the entire time. I felt like an Ironman athlete, because I had just had a fairly tough ride but had a nice 10 mile run after. Now at mile 7 I was thinking this brick was a bit cruel, but overall felt very very good.

Bike - Distance - 39.42 miles, Time - 2:36:30, Pace - 15.1mph, Max Pace - 32.7mph, HR - 134 (low zone 2 baby)

Run - Distance - 10.0 miles, Time - 1:49:26, Pace - 10:57, HR - 148
Miles 1 - 5, Pace - 10:56, HR - 146 (zone 2)
Miles 6 - 10, Pace - 10:57, HR - 151 (first beat of zone 3)

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