Thursday, April 9, 2009

11 Weeks - 3/29 - 4/4

I guess we are getting down to the wire with 8 weeks left of training before taper.   I'm really having a different experience this time around. I'm hitting probably just over 90% of my workouts, but I'm not hitting all of them.  Weird thing is, I'm ok with it. Ironman training is not so overwhelming like it has been in the past.  I'm not all obsessive but my family and my friends and things in my life have taken precedence, as they should. This is after all my hobby.  :-)  Weird, but nice.

Sunday - The long run, and with it only being 6 miles you would think I would feel great. I didn't.  I guess the 10 mile run the day before really did me in.  I actually only got 5.08 miles in and I felt awful the entire time.  Distance - 5.08 miles, Time - 51:31, Pace - 10:09, HR - 152 (zone 3)

Monday - I moved my swim to Tuesday.  My bike was fine, I felt much better then yesterday.  Just watched TV and pushed gear.

Tuesday - Swim - my 3,000 swim went very well and I continue to feel better in the water.  My 100's all out started at 1:57 then went to 2:05, I averaged a 2:02 for all 10 of them.  This was a nice workout.

Spin Class - What can I say but I was so so stupid to eat 4 hot dogs (3 chili, 1 Chicago) for lunch.  I enjoyed running while Kari was pulling me.  All I did the entire class was to try and not puke.  My only goal for the night.

Wednesday - I took the day off to help Brandon move. I did swim in the morning, but cut my swim to only 2,000 so I could get home in time to help with the big day. 

My run - well since I was not working I ran out at Cave Creek park instead of Papago. Moving my son into his first apartment was more emotionally draining then I thought.  Basically all I did was run-walk-cry for 5.61 miles.  I really thought I was ready for him to move out, he is 20 after all.  But I guess the Mommy in me took over.  I hope he's going to have a happy life.

Distance - 5.61 miles, Time - 1:15:11, Pace - 13:24, HR - 140 (zone 2)

Thursday - Lunch hour run - I felt really good today.  Or maybe I just needed to run out some confusion and frustration because of the announcement that SunCor is being sold in pieces and that I will most likely be out of a job. It's weird the way that helps your work outs.


Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 49:41, Pace - 9:56, HR - 160 (top of zone 3)


Warm Up - Pace - 11:23, HR - 146 (zone 2)

3 min on - Pace - 8:42, HR - 166 (zone 4)

3 min off - Pace - 10:51, HR - 155 (zone 3)

3 min on - Pace - 8:16, HR - 168 (zone 4)

3 min off - Pace - 11:15, HR - 154 (zone 3)

3 min on - Pace - 8:07, HR - 172 (zone 4)

3 min off - Pace - 13:40, HR - 158 (zone 3)

3 min on - Pace 8:01, HR - 172 (zone 4)

3 min off - Pace - 11:14, HR - 158 (zone 3)

3 min on - Pace - 8:26, HR - 173 (zone 4)

Cool Down - Pace 9:53, HR - 163 (zone 4)


Hmmm, do you see some aggression heart rates in here?


My spin - well I made it 1:15, not 1:30. I had a meeting at Brandon's school for the student housing that I just moved him into. Honestly I didn't think I would get to spin at all, so it worked out well. 


Friday - Thank you for the day off.

Saturday - Ok, interesting day. Last night Kyle and I went out for Vietnamese food, but I didn't have anything crazy like cat, or even a spicy dish. Just a simple chicken dish (wait, maybe that was cat) and rice noodles.  But when I woke up Saturday morning, I was sick. I had bad diarrhea 3 times before getting on my bike. At 10 miles in I knew there was no way I would be able to pull off the brick, but I desperately wanted to get through the 85 mile ride.  Wouldn't you know it we had a head wind going down 9 mile hill, that's ok I thought to myself at least I'll have a tail wind coming up . . .nope, the winds changed and got stronger.  So by the time I was coming back up 9 mile hill I was riding into a pretty hefty head wind, and my stomach cramps we're getting worse and worse. Even though I bought Tylenol at Alma School and Dynamite and was popping it like crazy, I was cramping, headache and just achy.  This was one tough ride and I was pretty proud of myself to see it through, even if I didn't do the brick.  I couldn't even get out of zone 1, the closest I came to zone 2 was 6 beats away.


This was also my first ride on the 150mm cranks. I know we talked, but I have to say again this is the first time my glutes have been sore like this from biking. I am very excited to have this fit and be able to utilize those muscles.


Distance - 85.07 miles, Time - 5:41:46, Pace - 14.9mph, HR - 114 (yep, I couldn't not get my heart rate up)


From  my house to the top of Dynamite:  D- 10.69 miles, Pace - 12.7mph, HR - 123 (really felt like shit, stopped for Tylenol)

Down 9 mile hill - D - 9.07 miles, Pace - 22.6mph, HR - 107

From Rio Verde to turn around in Fountain Hills - D - 10.22 miles, Pace 16.2mph, HR 113

From Fountain Hills back to Rio Verde - D 10.17 miles, Pace - 15.8mph, HR - 118

Up 9 mile hill - D - 9.06 miles, Pace - 9.4mph (huge head wind), HR - 124

From the top of Dynamite to my house - D - 10.79 miles, Pace - 17.1mph, HR - 104

Then I got to the house, downed some Pepto, took a couple more Tylenol and ate 1/2 a PB and honey sandwich. I felt better on the last 25 even though it was still very windy.

Last 25 miles up and down Cave Creek Rd. - D - 25.06 miles, Pace - 15.8mph, HR 111




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