Monday, April 20, 2009

9 Weeks and Counting - 4/12 - 4/18

Total Time - 21:35:56

First congratulations on winning the coaches challenge in Rocky Point and for winning your age group. You totally deserve it. :-) I'm sorry I missed it.

Now, I can't begin to tell you how exhausted I am by the time week 3 comes along. the last build before recovery is so hard, I feel like a zombie at times. This week has been full of emotion for me. My 17 year old daughter is falling in love for the first time, my son has spent his first holiday away from home (ok I did see him, but he didn't sleep at our home). The dog is still dying, it's like everyday wondering is it time, should we put her down? Is two hours of quality of life enough in a day to warranty keeping her alive? Are we being selfish? Kyle's working from home now, and let's say his mood hasn't been stellar. Will I still have a job when I return from CDA?

Then in my head, when I'm not thinking about these things - I'm worried about CDA, I'm freaking out about being able to get the distance in that I need and want.

I'm whipped Timbo, totally whipped.

Sunday - Jerry Haut came and rode with me for the first 73, I did the last 17 alone. I felt really good though. But I have to ask . . .why can't I get out of zone 1????? Also it is important to note that my shoulder bothered me some, but it was terrible on my ride. My nutrition sucked and I didn't get in all the food I had hoped, but nothing tasted good and I had stomach cramps for my first mile on my run, but felt better after that.

Distance - 90 miles, Time - 5:36:21, Pace - 16.0mph (that is totally the IM pace I want) HR - 126
The first 50 miles, we did the New River Loop
Pace - 16.6, HR - 126 (zone 1)
I slowed down for the last 40, but there was a lot more uphill and some wind.
Pace - 15.4, HR - 125 (zone 1)
My brick Distance - 5.08 miles, Time - 53:58, Pace - 10:37 (that's right baby off a 90 mile ride), HR - 139 (finally low zone 2).
Monday - I did the strength training before the bike. It's hard to bike after doing leg strength. I really tried to push the weight, and thought about how it's going to make me stronger.
My bike - 90 minutes on the trainer pushing gear. Sucked.

Tuesday - Today has been one bad crazy thing after another. First I overslept, I woke up 5 minutes before I needed to be in the water. Then I get to the gym and I forgot a swim cap and as you know I have a lot of hair. THEN I realized that I didn't write down my workout and because I had overslept by so much I didn't want to spend the time to log onto my computer and gather it. Plus, I'm still having rotator cuff/bicep tendon pain. So since I knew my swim was a 3,000 I just did the 500 swim - 500 pull (buoy) work out. Initially I thought I'd only have time for 2,000, then I figured I'd do 2,500 but nope I managed the entire 3,000 and I wasn't even late for work, but I did come to work with wet hair.

So, the entire swim I felt off, could have been the hair in my face, or just the drag of my hair in the water (I even had 2 pony tails attempting to hold it into place). The fact that my goggles didn't sit right without the cap . . .nothing felt good. OH and I was slow. Slow, slow , slow. I averaged a 2:16/100 pace, which is still a 1:26:08 IM Swim and I would be ecstatic with that. So I guess even on my bad day, it was still a good day.

My run - OK, so my heart rate was all over the place. I just ran at a pace that felt good, and as you can tell by the pace it's what I've been averaging in zone 1 low zone 2, but today I'd look down and I would be in zone 5. I think my HR monitor was off or I just couldn't pull myself together. Or it's just my last week of build and I'm tired.

Distance - 7 miles, Time - 1:17:19, Pace - 11:03, HR - 153 (zone 3), MAX HR - 209 (seriously)

Spin - So, what I discovered at spin tonight . . I know you wanted to see what brings my heart rate up, the answer is higher cadence lower gear. But I always think that I should be pushing a harder gear to gain strength. Talk to me Timbo . . what should I do when I want to bring my heart rate up?

Wednesday - I was up at 4am to get my swim in. I was so tired. I wrote out my schedule before I went to swim, but could not find it once I got to the pool. I'm totally losing it. So, I just swam 3,000 in 1:07:08, that's a 2:14/100 pace aka a 1:24:52 IM swim. I am still improving.

My run . .ok, WTF? It was cold and very very windy. Of the 800 splits, the first 1 and last 3 were into the very heavy head winds and the middle 4 were with a tail wind. But I have to tell you, the end of a build is so hard.

Distance - 6.07 miles, Time - 59:19, Pace - 9:46, HR - 155

Warm up: Pace - 11:26, HR - 143

1st - 800: Pace - 8:45, HR - 167 (rest pace - 12:00, HR - 148)

2nd - 800: Pace - 8:20, HR - 166 (rest pace - 11:04, HR - 150)

3rd - 800: Pace - 8:18, HR - 165 (rest pace - 11:30, HR - 152)

4th - 800: Pace - 8:12, HR - 167 (rest pace - 12:37, HR - 152)

5th - 800: Pace - 8:20, HR - 162 (rest pace - 13:53, HR - 147)

6th - 800: Pace - 8:39, HR - 157 (rest pace - 19:03, HR - 135...yes I walked)

7th - 800: Pace - 9:00, HR - 160 (can you say head wind?) (rest pace - 11:21, HR - 155)

8th - 800: Pace - 8:42, HR - 163

Cool Down: Pace - 11:41, HR - 147

Thursday - I did my spin in the morning, so that when I was done I wouldn't have to work out again until Saturday morning. I am also going to be truthful, this was a very half assed workout. I seriously just moved my legs on the bike. I just didn't have a hard spin in me. I was so glad when it was over (and I only did 1:10).

Friday - Thank God a day off.

Saturday - This was by far the hardest and worst ride I have had. I got a call in the middle (mile 50) and had to take 1/2 hour to help one of our projects. Around mile 70 I started bonking hard. I felt like shit and I was rushed at the end because it was prom and I needed to get back to help Amber. So, my numbers are ride time, it does not include me stopping and they still suck. Once again I could not get out of zone 1. I really need recovery week.
Distance - 95 miles, Time - 6:11:01, Pace - 15.4, HR - 120 (low zone 1)
Because I was totally pushed for time I only ran 1 mile just to run off the bike. I was actually feeling better by the run and could have run longer, but I needed to help Amber.
Distance - 1.0 mile, Time - 9:42, Pace - 9:42 (duh), HR - 147 (zone 2)

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