Monday, April 27, 2009

8 weeks till race day - 4/19 - 4/25

This posting comes complete with comments from Tim.  His are in blue and bold.

Questions I need answered:

1. Faster cadence in an easier gear brings my heart rate up, but slows me down on the bike. Yes, very typical. Does the same with me as well. It has taken 5 years to master a faster cadence with lots of 90+ mile rides with cadence over 90 rpm. I also feel like I should be building strength by pushing gear and feel like raising my heart rate with an easier faster spin is a cop out. Balance, if you push too hard of a gear you lose the chance of having fresh legs after the bike, too easy of a gear and you sacrifice faster bike splits.  When I can't get into zone 2 on the bike, would you prefer that I decrease the load and pick up  my cadence, or stay in a heavier gear but also remain in zone 1?  These will be things that we will cover on Friday after I ride with you for 6 hours. I prefer 80-85 RPM in a manageable gear that wont trash the legs. When I know I can push I gear harder then I know I'm in the right gear.I can't push enough gear to bring myself into zone 2, my legs just don't have it. Not the legs it's the lungs Alison. Your legs are plenty strong enough, now you need to work those lungs and that heart of yours.

2.   I feel so behind from my base and my speeds are not what they were at this same point for IMAZ, I know this is a B race, but talk to me Tim . . . .I don't feel ready. STOP! Negative thoughts do nothing at this point. Plow ahead Alison. You still have 8 great weeks, 6 of then solid training. Things will come together, but stop thinking anything negative. How about more like I'm going to nail that 100 miler Friday and back it up with a solid 2.5 swim and hammer my long run. I can't wait, I'm ready. Just bring it!

Sunday - I have such a hard time getting that afternoon bike in on Sunday. I loose the entire day on Saturday, it takes me about 8+ hours to finish my work outs and then I'm too tired to do anything else. So on Sunday afternoon I have to much to do and family to be with that I just find it very difficult to fit in.  I will do my best next weekend though.  So, , I did not do the 20 mile afternoon ride. Alison, just leave the ride out! It won't hurt a thing. Family first.

My 5 mile run - 5 miles, on a Sunday . . what a treat.  I honestly didn't even feel bad after yesterdays ride. This was an awesome run. SWEET!

Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 50:36, Pace - 10:08, HR - 142 (low zone 2) awesome, huh? YEAH!!!!!

Monday -   I ended up swimming 1600. The water just feels so nice and it was warm out  and I was happy.  I averaged a 2:14/100 pace and I swam nice a nice even comfortable pace. I never pushed myself.  I really looked forward to getting in the water and feeling the compression on my legs.  Swimming is great recovery.

Tuesday - I got up and did the easy 60 minute spin.  I'm amazed at how tired I actually still am.

Run - My easy 5 mile lunch hour run was hot. I was running thinking how last week I went out and it was freezing and today it was very warm (about 94). I also felt heavy and had a hard time getting my heart rate into a groove.  I struggled to keep it in zone 2 and as you can see by my average, I didn't do that well.  But the sudden heat will raise the heart rate.

Distance 5 - miles, Time - 55:28:25, Pace - 11:06, HR - 153 (2 beats into zone 3) Perfect

Wednesday - I ran at lunch and it was much cooler then yesterday. I had a cloud cover for a good part of the run. Although, when I would look down my heart rate was still all over the place, but I didn't feel like it was. So, I stopped looking at my heart rate and just ran and what felt slow and comfortable.  I felt much better on today's run then I did on yesterdays.

Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 55:06, Pace - 11:02, HR - 153 (3 beats into zone 3). Perfect

My swim - an easy 1000.  Nice.

Thursday - I skipped the spin, I felt terrible all day. I had a bad headache and aching, thought I was coming down with the flu. Great decision. When in doubt, leave it out!


Friday - SheRox Swim Clinic.  It was fun. LOVE YOU! So great to have you there.

Saturday - OK, so I only biked 30 miles, ok 29.57 and I skipped the brick. I had a waffle ride, meaning 10 people over for waffles, frittatas (yum), bacon (double yum).  So I had cooking to do. Then I became very very lazy for the rest of the day and did nothing but sit on my ass on the couch.  It was crazy boring, and crazy great.  Sounds fun!


Distance 29.57, Time - 1:54:51, Pace - 15.5, HR - 132 (low zone 2).


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