Sunday, April 12, 2009

10 Weeks and Counting - 4/5 - 4/11

What is it with me and zone 1 on the bike and why in the hell can't I get out of it? I don't know why I can't raise my heart rate. Any ideas?

Sunday - My long run, ok what ever my stomach issues were they are gone now. I felt 1000 times better.

Distance - 14 miles, Time - 2:32:37, Pace - 10:54, HR - 147 (zone 2)
The first 5 miles went fairly quickly, but it took me at least 2 miles to settle in. I averaged a 10:59 pace and a 149 HR. The next 5 miles I felt great and averaged a 10:37 pace still maintaining a 147 HR. The last 4 miles, I slowed down and averaged a 11:09 with a 145 HR.

I did not do the 25 mile bike. Kyle and I started cleaning the house and transforming Brandon's room into an office. Time just got away from me and I really wanted to finish this. So, I skipped the bike. :-( I also pulled something or hurt something in my shoulder while vacuuming today. I don't know what I did but it hurts like all get out.

Monday - I moved my swim until tomorrow.

My lunch hour easy run, I spaced that I had a run, but luckily I had packed stuff to lift on my way home from work. What I didn't pack was my heart rate monitor, or iPod, or watch of any kind. But I do know the 5 mile distance around the lake and I do know how to run easy all zone 2. I think sometimes it's nice to just go out without any electronics and run. Just me, my breathing and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement. It was actually really nice.
Strength - I'm still not into it, but I am doing it. I don't know what else to tell you. It's really boring.

Tuesday -I moved my swim to today (easier because I work later). I really had to focus to keep my right arm in check, if I extend too much whatever I did to it hurts. But if I was cautious with my swim everything was fine. Of my 6 x 50 hard they were all under the 1:00 mark, which was great. When I did the 5 X 100's on the 2:30 I was coming in right at 2:05 - 2:10 - I didn't push at all since I knew I would have rest time.

Spin Class - It wasn't the same without you but Anthony did a great job. He never lost track of time and kept us working hard when we were beyond the "time trial" portion. but he didn't dance up and down the isle, which was kind of a bummer and he doesn't look nearly as good in spandex as you.

Wednesday - So, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow about my shoulder. We are closing early on Friday, so I decided to move my workouts (since they are both "arm" related) to Friday after I see the doc. Plus then I can get an early afternoon swim in, which is always nice.
Thursday - I was up early and on the trainer for my 90 minute spin, pushing gears and watching TV. :-)

So, I went to my doctor's today and guess what's wrong with me . . you'll never guess. Bicep tendonitis. Yep, I freaken injured my tendon vacuuming. Seriously I'm 10 weeks away from Ironman and I get hurt with the vacuum. Ok, it was probably irritated by swimming and lifting, but the actual injured occurred with the vacuum. I'm afraid I can't do any more house work during Ironman. :-)

Lunch hour run - Well, I had my doctors appointment and didn't get back from that until noon, So, I started my run late and I was hungry which totally threw me off. My eating schedule is very important and even though I took a Gu before my run it wasn't enough. You will clearly see where I started to bonk.

Distance - 6.10 miles, Time - 57:42, Pace - 9:28, HR - 163 (low zone 4)

Warm Up: Pace - 10:10, HR - 150 (high zone 2)
Round One
5 min on: Pace - 8:13, HR - 169 (zone 4)
1 min off: Pace - 11:01, HR - 169 (zone 4)
4 min on: Pace - 7:59, HR - 173 (zone 4 there was a lot of downhill)
1 min off: Pace - 12:30, HR - 151 (zone 3)
3 min on: Pace - 8:07 , HR - 171 (zone 4)
1 min off: Pace - 13:55, HR - 174 (zone 5, ouch)
2 min on: Pace 8:16, HR - 164 (zone 4)
1 min off: Pace 11:32, HR - 170 (zone 4)
1 min on: Pace - 8:11, HR - 171 (zone 4)
Round Two
1 min off: Pace 13:03, HR - 167 (zone 4)5 min on: Pace - 9:35, HR - 165 (zone 4, can you say bonk?)
1 min off: Pace - 10:58, HR - 158 (zone 3)
4 min on: Pace - 8:59, HR - 169 (zone 4)
1 min off: Pace - 10:12, HR - 164 (zone 4)
3 min on: Pace - 8:48 , HR - 169 (zone 4)
1 min off: Pace - 12:21, HR - 166 (zone 4)
2 min on: Pace 8:39, HR - 169 (zone 4)
1 min off: Pace 10:29, HR - 151 (zone 3)
1 min on: Pace - 8:41, HR - 163 (zone 4)
Cool Down: Pace - 10:17, HR - 159 (zone 3)

Interesting that when I started bonking and feeling bad my speed work pace was slower, but my recovering pace was faster by just about the same amount. What causes that, do you think I wasn't pushing myself as much as I could on that second round? I felt like it was all I had. What are your thoughts?

Friday - I moved my swim to today. My shoulder did not start to hurt until about 2000 meters in, but I just kept it in check and managed the 3000, although my pace slowed substation ally. But I'm ok with that, I just wanted the distance.

Saturday - Rain, rain, rain. I switched my run and my ride so I could ride outside. So, I ran the first 10 miles with my friend Deb, I felt really good and she would ask me, why are you speeding up . . well it was because I was in zone 1 and I felt awesome. the last 5 miles I ran alone and decided to pick it up.

Overall Distance - 15 miles, Time - 2:41:15, Pace - 10:45 (that's right baby), HR - 133 (zone 1).
miles 1 - 5: Pace - 11:03, HR - 128 (zone 1)
miles 6 - 10: Pace - 11:02, HR - 128 (still zone 1)
miles 11 - 15: Pace - 10:10, HR - 144 (zone 2)

Spin - I did 1:30:00 on the trainer, watching TV in the afternoon. :-) Easy gear work out the legs.

Sunday - I thought I would let you know how my long ride went a week early. Jerry Haup t came and rode with me for the first 73, I did the last 17 alone. I felt really good though. But I have to ask . . .why can't I get out of zone 1????? Also it is important to note that my shoulder bothered me some, but it was terrible on my ride. My nutrition sucked and I didn't get in all the food I had hoped, but nothing tasted good and I had stomach cramps for my first mile on my run, but felt better after that.

Distance - 90 miles, Time - 5:36:21, Pace - 16.0mph (that is totally the IM pace I want) HR - 126
The first 50 miles, we did the New River Loop
Pace - 16.6, HR - 126 (zone 1)
I slowed down for the last 40, but there was a lot more uphill and some wind.
Pace - 15.4, HR - 125 (zone 1)

My brick Distance - 5.08 miles, Time - 53:58, Pace - 10:37 (that's right baby off a 90 mile ride), HR - 139 (finally low zone 2).

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