Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ironman Coeur d'Alene Race Report

I started Ironman Coeur d'Alene without any expectations, my thoughts were with all of you. I found myself standing with friends on the far right side waiting for the race start. The forecast for the day was cold (we had a high of 58) and rain which wasn't going to hit until later in the day. Looking out at the water, I could see the swells starting, and someone very wise told me her mantra for the swim, "the pocket of air is always there".

The gun went off and I made my way to the water, I eased in making sure my goggles wouldn't leak and I started to swim. I felt that for every three strokes forward, I was pushed back two. I would look up to sight and all I would see would be a wall of water, but when I would turn to the left to breath the pocket of air was there, always. I would try and adjust my swim to sight during a swell, when I was above the main surface to look for that goal, the coveted red turn around buoy.

The water was crystal clear and I could see the other swimmers legs, arms, and faces around me. There we all were, all fighting the same currents, all working towards that same goal. We all have different speeds, techniques, and stories that brought all of us to this same place on this same day. So as I was swimming I was people watching and thinking about everyone around me. I couldn't help but think as we tackled each swell that we all have struggles but here we all where working through it together. When things got tough and I needed to breath, I only needed to turn my head towards that pocket of air, take a deep breath and continue on.

Eventually I reached that red buoy and once I turned around those same waves I was struggling against carried me to the shore. Just in time for me to turn around and do it all again for the second loop. Eventually I made it out of the water and went on to have on the best racing day of my life. I truly believe it's because I wasn't thinking of myself. I set myself free to enjoy the day and the universe rewarded me. Even though the weather wasn't the best, white caps in the water, wind on the bike and rain on the run (ok, I love the rain on the run) my day was perfect. I enjoyed the tail wind, and pushed through the head wind. I felt the rain on my face, and saw friends all along the race course all day, both racing and cheering.

I know so many of us these days are having a tough time, there are so many struggles in life and in the world. We are all fighting our own currents and waves. But know that your pocket of air is always there. Your pocket of air could be your family, faith, your best friend, a stranger, an organization, your own inner strength, but it is there. If you just keep breathing things will turn around. When you are on top of that swell, look forward set your sights on a goal and keep moving forward, you will reach it.

So, I challenge all of you to be that pocket of air for someone, open yourself up to the possibilities the universe puts in front of you and grab it. As cliche as it sounds and as simple as it is, do random act of kindness. Let that frazzled Mom go ahead of you at the grocery store, even though she has a full cart of groceries. Leave a large tip when you go out to eat. Take time to listen, advise, or be quiet, just take the time. I don't know what opportunity will present itself to you, but you will. Don't walk away, don't think I'll do it another day . . do it now. Be that person.

My favorite quote is by Gandhi, Be the change that you want to see in the world. In this time of uncertainty and economic woes, be that change. Help one another.

Kyle was there all day near the transition area and on his bike, my dear friend Deb was all over the bike course cheering me on and recruiting strangers to cheer for me as well. I had several friends racing and their family all over the course. I realized how lucky I am, both by my life and my health that allows me to do this and have such amazing support.

My overall time was 14:18:52, a personal record by 46 minutes. Oh and for those of you that are wondering my marathon time was 5:08:41, I beat Katie Holmes's stand alone marathon time by 21 minutes, finally.

Thanks to all of you. I'm looking forward to all the things we will accomplish individually and as a group. Now, I think I need to go sing kumbaya for a while.

Peace out and give it away!

Monday, June 15, 2009

3 Weeks Left 5/24 - 5/30

Total Time - 21:58:30

Workouts Missed - none

Even though I had a very easy week last week, I am still pretty tired. I know I am going to need those 3 weeks to taper. I just find myself being so sleepy and hungry.

Sunday - Time to run, time to do my longest run for IMCDA. I didn't actually feel all that great while running, but when I finished I realized I did much better then I thought and was very much on track for race day. It could have been the easy week I took last week.

Distance - 22 miles, Time - 4:14:12, Pace - 11:30, HR - 121 (zone 1, but my monitor is acting weird)

Miles 1 - 5: Pace - 11:11, HR - 69 (clearly this is wrong)

Miles 6 - 10: Pace - 11:11 (consistent), HR - 133 (zone 1)

Miles 11 - 15: Pace - 11:20, HR - 133 (zone 1)

Miles 16 - 20: Pace - 11:57, HR - 140 (zone 2)

Total Time - 4:14:12

Monday -Kyle and I went for a ride in the morning. Even though it was later in the morning, it was still really nice out. My legs were sore from yesterday, but it felt nice to spin them out.

Distance - 26.2 miles, Time - 1:40:32, Pace - 15.6mph, HR - 85 (yep, my monitor probably needs a new battery)

Swim - ok this was the hardest 2500 ever. I could barely get in it. I felt like crap.

Time - 57:55, Pace - 2:19/100

Total Time - 2:38:27

Tuesday - Run - I actually felt pretty good. I love the easy runs and some days it's just nice to get the hell out of my office and away from everything.

Distance - 6.07 miles, Time - 1:02:53, Pace - 10:21, HR 151

Spin class - I worked very hard. Even after you told me I could take it easy, I didn't. This was one hard class. Total Time 1:15:00

Total Time - 2:17:53

Wednesday - Ahh, speed work. I did it in the morning so I could swim in the heat of the afternoon. I had SQL class today, so I could not run at lunch. I felt pretty good at the start, but really felt like crap at the end. Also the first mile was a slight downhill and the last mile repeat was a slight uphill.

Distance - 6.03 miles, Time - 57:43, Pace - 9:34, HR - N/A (didn't pick up at all)

warm up: Pace - 11:17

Mile 1: Pace - 8:28 (rest pace - 11:59)

Mile 2: Pace - 8:47 (rest pace - 11:42)

Mile 3: Pace - 8:48 (rest pace - 12:23)

Mile 4: Pace - 9:12, ouch

cool down - Pace - 9:57 - I actually felt surprisingly good on the cool down.

Swim - So my swim sucked ass. I worked through lunch in class so I could leave and get to the gym. Then at the end of the day I got an "urgent" email from work about something being broken, she's going on vacation and this HAS to go out to a VP. So, I have to drop everything and log on . . . 45 minutes later it's a user error. OK, whatever. Now I am late and I am hungry and I bonk in the pool. I only manage 2000 of the 3000 workout. I just didn't have it in me and the masters group showed up (cause I was in there late) they needed the lanes and I needed to get out.

Distance - 2,000 Time - 44:55, Pace - 2:11 (well, that's not a bad pace for how horrible I was feeling, weird).

Total Time - 1:42:38

Thursday - Ok, I got up at 4am to come down and ride with this woman, Nancy, that I met and she lives in the condos next to my office building. She is doing CDA also. So, we decided to bike and run together today. I figured riding with someone on the road beat the trainer any day.
Ride - Distance - 24.05 miles, Time - 1:31:43, Pace - 15.7mph, HR - N/A
Then Nancy and I met again at lunch. I know I only had 4 miles on my schedule, but she had 8 so we both ran 5.5.
Distance - 5.53 miles, Time - 58:26, Pace - 10:35, HR - N/A
Total Time - 2:30:09
Friday - Got to love a day off.

Saturday - My last big day, I was lucky because (a) I had an awesome group of friends for the first 50 miles, (b) I had 2 more awesome friends until mile 100 (c) we had cloud cover for about the first 69 miles. So this ride was from my house, up through Ledged Trail, past the Bartlett turn off and up to 7 Springs. Then we did 7 Springs again. It was actually easier the 2nd time. Back to my house, up Dynamite, down 9 mile and into Rio Verde. Cruise out a few miles and then back up 9 mile. At this point it was VERY hot and we had an afternoon head wind (yep, nothing says 9 mile like heat and a head wind) There were miles 80 - 89. It was pretty much downhill and flat from there. Overall 7,613 feet in elevation gain, which is more then double the Coeur d'Alene course.
Distance - 110.1 miles, Time - 7:35:54m Pace - 14.5mph (Max Pace - 36mph . . WOW)
My 5 mile brick after was hard. It was hot, and although my ride time was &;35:54 the actual time out there was much much longer.
Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 59:17, Pace - 11:52
Overall Time - 8:35:11

4 weeks to CDA week of 5/17 - 5/23

Total Time - 9:11:12

Workouts Missed - Too Many, see below.

Wednesday - skipped a swim and a run (obligations work and home).

Friday - skipped my swim

Saturday - I skipped the run portion of the brick (pizza ride, time to hang with friends).

Ok, so clearly I skipped 5 workouts (2 just on Wednesday alone). I was just so wiped out and they were short. So, I kept thinking what difference is a 1,000 swim going to make. Missing a 5 mile run isn't going to hurt me, etc. , etc., etc. Saturday, well I just wanted to hang out with my friends. Next week I will push it hard.

Sunday - So, the swim was long and my swim time was even longer. But I felt great in the water and just tried to stay relaxed. I swam way on the outside because people were getting on my nerves. Once out of the water and on dry land my legs suddenly felt the fatigue from the last 3 weeks. I was like lead on the ground. So onto the bike, I just spun out in an easy gear. I didn't care about all the people passing me I just tried to recover my legs and work the lactic acid out. But on my second lap I was passing everybody. I was queen if the slow people. But a 17.3mph pace is not bad at all. Then the run . . . . my time of 56:39 includes a pee stop at the marina. :-) I just took it easy and focused on moving, well and getting the day over with. he-he. Overall I'm pretty happy with my performance

Swim 46:14, Pace 3:04/100 (???), Bike - 1:26:01 Pace - 17.3mph, Run 56:39 Pace 9:08

Total Time 3:12:25

Monday - My swim was so nice and easy. I did the entire 1000 with a buoy. My legs just really needed to rest.

Total Time - 23:00

Tuesday - My run, I'm still feeling exhausted and heavy. It's really hot out (as you know), probably about 104.

Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 53:36, Pace - 10:43, HR - 151 (1st beat into zone 3)

Spin, nice and easy, 1 hour.

Total Time - 1:53:36

Wednesday - Had work things going on and family things, plus I was dog ass tired . .skipped my run and swim.

Thursday - Ok I did get on my trainer in the morning, easy gears.
Total Time - 1:30:00
Friday - Took this day off too.

Saturday - Super fun ride with my peeps. It was the pizza ride, so I had to skip my run since I am the host. I had about 15 people come ride with me. That always happens when I feed them.
Distance - 35 miles, Time - 2:12:11, Pace - 15.9mph, HR - 136 (zone 2 baby)
Total Time - 2:12:11

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5 Weeks Remaining - Week Of 5/10 - 5/16

Total Time - 21:16:31
Workouts Missed - None
I am so glad this week is over.  By the end of the week I was so tired, but I have to tell you I am writing this after Tempe International and I feel pretty decent.  I am really looking forward to recovery week.  Only one more hard week and it's taper time. Yeah, I love taper. 
Sunday - This run sucked, I sucked.  I know you said that I had to "nail this", well I didn't it nailed me. It kicked me in the ass. Now I know that yesterday was a very long day for me in the sun and heat, so it makes sense that this run was so hard. I could feel myself getting slower and slower. I started to bonk badly at about 10.5 miles and had to run home, I downed some cold Gatorade and a coke, took in a Gu and felt better, so I finished the run.  I could not get out of zone 1 to save my life, I couldn't even try to get out of zone 1.
Distance - 20.0 miles, Time - 3:59:50, Pace - 12:00 (my dream IM pace), HR - 129
Miles 1 - 5: Pace - 11:14, HR - 136
Miles 6 - 10: Pace - 11:41, HR - 124
Miles 11 - 15: Pace - 12:35, HR - 124
Miles 15 - 20: Pace - 12:28, HR - 136
Ok, so writing this out I didn't do nearly as bad as I thought I did or as bad as I felt.  But I sure hope I feel better on Ironman, because I felt like hell today.  After this I enjoyed the rest of my Mother's Day with my kids. It was awesome.
Total Time - 3:59:50

Monday - I moved my swim to tomorrow.

Spin - Ok 90 minutes on the trainer.  It actually felt good, it was an easy spin though, I won't lie.

Total Time 1:30:00

Tuesday - Swim - This swim sucked. I was on call and I hate swimming while I am on call. It takes forever.  Then I accidentally hit the wrong button on my watch so my laps weren't counting.  Ugh, but I know I did 3000 and my time was about 1:15:00 (because of checking my stupid on call pager)

Run - 7 easy miles at lunch, damn it's getting hot out.  But I sure do love the easy slow miles. I really do, I think some people are speed junkies other's re endurance junkies. You just happen to be both.  For some reason these runs a few days after my long weekends I ALWAYS feel much better, my heart rate is higher, my legs feel better, I feel better.

Distance - 7.0 miles, Time - 1:13:25, Pace - 10:29, HR - 146 (upper zone 2, yeah!)

Spin Class - trying to control it. I was so so so happy that it was a high easy cadence night. Whew, I did not have gear pushing in me.

Total Time - 3:43:25

Wednesday Swim - my swim was great. I can't tell you how nice it was to ONLY have that on my schedule.  I don't know how I am going to be able to have the same speed in open water that I have in the pool.  Keep in mind these times include kicking, paddles and buoy.  I made sure to check myself at 3800 meters, which was 1:27:14.

4000 meters -  1:31:44, Pace - 2:17

Total Time - 1:31:44

ThursdaySpin - only 70 minutes, this was nice.  I can' figure out why I sweat so badly on the trainer in the morning, but I do.

Run - This was a kick ass run. A friend actually came down to run it with me, which is nice.  So, I really tried to keep my heart rate in zone 3.

Distance - 8.31, Time - 1:22:24, Pace - 9:55, HR - 161 (the last beat of zone 3)

Total Time - 2:32:24

FridayThis was a very hard ride, but probably not as hard as CDA is going to be.  I was totally bonking at mile 70 (as you know).  I felt much better on the last 40 miles then I did the first 70. 

Distance - 110 miles, Time - 7:03:57, Pace - 15.6mph, HR - 121 (yes, still in zone 1 . . . .this is crazy)
My run - I actually felt pretty decent on my run, which is amazing to me.
Distance - 5.07 miles, Time - 55:11, Pace - 10:53, HR - 141 (zone 2 at last)
Total Time - 7:59:08

Saturday - What an awesome rest day. Cruising around the lazy river at the Marriot.  Fun!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 weeks till CDA week of 5/3 - 5/9

Coach Tim's comments are in blue. :-)

Total Training Hours - 19:24:11
Workouts Missed - None Holy Sh&^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of this week, I am really tired. I will be so happy when the training is done and I find my self counting down the days until my next recovery week. I am trying so hard to be able to fit everything in and I am really struggling. Thanks for being so supportive all the time. This is so hard sometimes and this week I trained 4 hours less then last week. Only one more hard week until recovery, just one more Tim.

I know, keep it up Alison. Don't sell yourself short. What you do this week does affect your IM race. This is it, the last big week. You are one of the toughest, strongest and most determined athletes I have ever had the privilege to know. This week will be hard, but you will be harder! You have a goal, you have the will, you have the determination. You will succeed Alison. Now go get it!

Sunday - I still have not fully recovered from yesterday's swim. I felt ill all night last night and was still feeling pretty tired today. I thought the dog was going to die all day, she's been in a terrible state all weekend. Not eating, throwing up what little she does eat (being hand fed), laying on the floor eyes open clearly in pain. I opted not to do my spin later in the afternoon, I just didn't have it in me. I don't know why I'm suddenly so wiped out, and only after my first week of build in this session.

Okay, you just PR'ed a 102 mile ride by like an hour! You should be tired. Then you faced a really hard swim when you were already tired. Shake it off and keep your beautiful gorgeous head in the game!

I think maybe because I had the 4000 meter lake swim and no recovery day at all. That swim was not recovery and kicked the shit out of me, both literally and figuratively. I could not get into zone 2 on this run to save my life. This entire workout was zone 1. I tried on the first 10 miles to get there and stay there, but I was just getting more and more tired and my legs were getting more and more tight. The first beat on zone 2 is 138, so you can see where I was relative to where I wanted to be.

Run - Distance - 18 miles, Time - 3:35:03, Pace - 11:57 (My IM Pace, not my 1/2 IM pace), HR - 131

Totally good with this after the load you just had. In reality, think of how much more your legs will have in them when you control that bike on race day. I pushed you hard Alison!

Miles 1 - 5: Pace - 11:23, HR - 135
Miles 5 - 10: Pace - 11:24, HR - 132
Miles 11 - 15: Pace - 12:31, HR - 126
Miles 16 - 18: Pace - 12:51, HR - 132

Total Time 3:35:03

Monday - I'm sitting at my desk, dreading heading out for this 6 mile run. I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I'm dressed in my running clothes, maybe I'll feel better once I start. Just me, my ipod, garmin and water bottle. Maybe I'll be surprised, maybe it'll wake me up. Maybe . . . . .I guess you'll know in the next paragraph.

Ok, this is how my run should have felt yesterday. I felt so terrible and worn out this morning, and before my run, but now after my run I feel invigorated. Instead of trying to push myself to get into zone 2 I had to slow myself down to stay in zone 2. I like that so much better. It certainly makes me feel better for CDA. YEAH!!!!! I honestly think that swim knocked my on my butt. I swallowed and inhaled so much water. It really was just really really bad and just knocked me out. Weird the way a run can suddenly bring you back to life. Absolutely!

Distance - 6.0 miles, Time - 1:02:50, Pace - 10:28, HR - 147 (high zone 2 baby) SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I felt so good after my run that I made up the 25 mile bike from yesterday. Just a nice recovery spin. I never even went into big chain, I just spun out my legs for 90 minutes.

Total Time 2:32:50

Tuesday - Swim - Ok, I don't know what's with my swim, I don't know if I just feel badly about Saturday or if I'm just tired but I don't feel great about my swim. This was the one area I felt great about, now my confidence is just very low. So, I know you had me do 10 x 100's but I suck and only did 5 of them. But the 5 I did were all at 1:59, which made me feel pretty good, but I just didn't have another 5 in me, so I just swam with the buoy. I wanted to rest my legs.

Again, all of this is fatigue. It's truly okay. In two weeks your swims will be incredible!

Distance - 3,000, Time - 1:05:58, Pace - 2:11 (hmmm, that's actually pretty good for me).

Spin - OMG that was hard. I kept watching my watch wanting it to be 7:30 and then at 7:29 you yelled "5 more to go". WTF? Killing me. I worked pretty hard though and felt good. My legs were tired on the run after and I did not run 2 miles (my bad) but going over like that, I really wanted to get home. Time 1:30:00 Awesome job Alison.

Total Time 2:35:58

Wednesday - It's hot outside, I'm not sure how hot but it is hot. First off I would like to say that my heart rate monitor was not picking up, you can see where no heart rate picked up and I'm not sure of the accuracy of the others as well. So when I started my legs felt like lead. But once I started my first set I actually felt better, but by the last 2 I was pretty tired and I could tell that spin class was catching up to me. Yep, but still great work, determination and true grit! Way to go after it, even when you're tired.

Distance - 7.0 miles, Time - 1:13:06, Pace - 10:27, HR - 150
Warm up - Pace - 10:25, HR - 144
Set 1 - Pace - 8:17, HR - 158 (rest pace 11:27, HR - NA)
Set 2 - Pace 8:33, HR - NA (rest 11:55, HR - NA)
Set 3 - Pace 8:45, HR - NA (rest 13:20, HR - NA)
Set 4 - Pace 9:08, HR - 137
Cool Down - Pace - 11:19, HR - 153

Swim - I like these workouts, no speed work. I felt pretty good, nice and relaxed. I swam in the afternoon outside instead of the early morning, which was really nice.
Distance 3,000, Time - 1:06:48, Pace - 2:12

Total Time 2:19:34

Thursday - I did 90 minutes on the trainer, high cadence. High cadence for 90 minutes is hard. I was sweating like a pig, I mean glistening like the princess that I am.

Total Time 1:30:00

Friday - Optional run - yep, I opted not do to it. I think I need rest. Great decision.

Saturday - Bike warm up. I got to Tempe early to ride.

Pre-race distance 25.41 miles, Time - 1:29:57, Pace - 16.9mph, HR - 55 (umm, I don't think that's correct)

SheRox Sprint
Swim - 17:51 (pace - 2:22 ) T1 - 1:57 Bike - 44:11 (pace - 18.33mph) T2 - 1:02 Run - 27:04 (pace - 8:43) Total Time - 1:32:08

Swim thoughts - I'm feeling weird about my swim suddenly. I am faster in the pool but I guess we all are. I felt like I was going a little harder then I would at IM, but really if I want a 1:30:00 swim this is the pace I need to keep.

Bike thoughts - I did push it on the bike and it shows. The way Red Rock paced out the swimmers was awesome and really allowed space on the course. I couldn't be more pleased with that pace.

Run thoughts - Damn, I held back because it was hot and I knew I had a long ass day ahead of me. I can't believe I ran under a 9:00 minute pace. I thought for sure I was running like a 9:15. I never felt bad on this run, I didn't push it at all, I chatted with people along the way, I felt awesome. Hmmmm, those are all good things. I even told the women in my age group that I passed that if she could speed up and catch me I would promise not to run her down and she could finish ahead of me. I told her I was holding my pace and I would not go faster. She never caught me. :-(

After the race bike, 1 loop of the Beeline . . when I finished my car said it was 106 outside (ouch). Although I felt good, I could feel myself getting dehydrated even though I was drinking alot and spitting water on myself to stay cool.

Post Race Distance - 37.22 miles, Time - 2:18:41, Pace - 16.1mph, HR - 133 (zone 2 baby)

Oh my gosh, after a race, in the heat and on loaded legs. Incredible. I have never been so proud. You go girl.

Post Post Race Ride - I still had 22.37 miles to go, so I jumped on my trainer when I got home for 90 minutes. I'm counting that as 24.3 miles at a 16.1mph pace.

Total distance for the day 101.41 all in 4 different rides. What a weird and wonderful training day.

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got er done. AWESOME. You will thank me for this later.

Total Time - 6:50:46

Even though my total workout time was only 6:50:46 for the day I got on my bike at 5:20am in the morning and dismounted my bike at 5:50pm that night. It was a very long hot day outside and that made a difference on the run I did the following Sunday. That kind of heat and sun will really take it out of you. Yes indeed. Awesome job just getting it done. Incredible again. You rocked this week.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

7 weeks until Race Day 4/26 - 5/2

Total Training hours this week 23:33:17.

Welcome back to the build. I think last week and actually taking it a little bit easier then the schedule you gave me was a very good thing. I was exhausted.

Sunday - I woke up and ate until I was pretty full. A large bowl of cheerios with an entire banana sliced on top. I wanted to start this run on a full stomach. Honestly, I should have had a PB&Honey sandwich and a Gu for breakfast. Maybe I'll try that next week. So, my run went well. I had wanted to negative split it but that didn't happen. I started cramping in my calves around mile 13 and by mile 14 my back was really bothering me.

Distance - 17 miles, Time - 3:08:06, Pace - 11:04, HR - 140
1st 3rd - Pace - 10:54, HR - 139 (low zone 2)
2nd 3rd - Pace - 10:54, HR - 141 (low zone 2)
3rd 3rd - Pace 11:23, HR - 142 (low zone 2)

Later in the afternoon I did an easy 90 minute spin on my bike. It actually felt good and I kept the gears super easy.

Total Time - 4:38:06

Monday - I moved my swim until Tuesday, because I have more time in the morning. I did strength training at the gym and worked my legs pretty hard. Plus some core work. I still can't get into weights, but I just keep hoping. I spent 45 minutes working out at the gym.

Spin I did the 90 minutes on the trainer, watching TV, talking to my daughter. Well, until her boyfriend came over about 50 minutes into my ride, so the last 40 I was watching TV. Again, it hurts to spin after strength.

Total Time - 2:15:00

Tuesday - I felt like shit in the pool. First off, I did Wednesday's swim today because I have more time, and it is a longer work out. You know how some days you just don't have it? Today was one of those days. I ate an apple on my way to the pool in the morning (along with my coffee) but I felt like a piece of lead in the water. I just couldn't move. My 100's started at a 2:08 pace and I was swimming a 2:22 pace by the end of the set. Over all I swam 3,000 in 1:08:30, for an average pace of 2:17/100. I swear I was tired at the 1600 mark and had to force myself to keep going.

Run - nice and easy 6 miles. My heart rate started in zone 5, then it would jump to 1, then I was pretty steady in high zone 2 for a long time until the last mile or so. I never felt bad, but my HR monitor kept slipping off me.

Distance - 6.0 miles, Time - 1:05:09, Pace - 10:52, HR - 153 (3 beats into zone 3)

Spin - Umm, yeah I really didn't have the "brick" class in me. I worked hard on the bike, but I didn't push the run. Knowing I have 1 mile repeats tomorrow . . well I guess you could say I punked it, or you could say I was being prudent. You pick.

Total Time 3:13:39

Wednesday - There's nothing like getting up at 4:00am to go swimming, nope nothing like it. I also got new goggles, the same aqua sphere mask-like goggles that you have. I like them a lot. At first they kind of block some of my vision but what am I staring at? The line at the bottom of the pool. Also, I think it will help protect my face more from the cold water at CDA. Anyway, onto my swim. It's funny I actually felt much better on my swim today yet my 100 pace average was only 1 second faster then yesterday and my distance was shorter by 500 meters.

So, I felt better but I swam about the same. I swam 2500 meters, time - 56:42, pace - 2:16/100
Speed work running - Let me start by saying I was not in the mood to do this, I kept procrasting at my desk to avoid going out there. I started my warm up and like most days when you feel like crap, you have an awesome workout. The last mile was tough, not just because I was getting tired but it also had more uphill then the rest of the miles. When I strated this I decided I would be happy if I could hold a 9:00 - 9:30 pace, so needless to say, I'm pretty happy with how I did.

Distance 6.0 miles, Time - 58:17, Pace -9:43, HR - 152 (2 beats into zone 3)

Warm Up - Pace 11:50, HR - 124 (zone 1)
Mile 1 - Pace - 8:48, HR - 159 (zone 3) (rest pace - 11:44, HR - 140 (zone 2))
Mile 2 - Pace 8:39, HR - 162 (first beat of zone 4) (rest pace 12:51, HR - 145 (zone 2))
Mile 3 - Pace - 8:14, HR - 165 (zone 4) (rest pace - 13:17, HR - 143)
Mile 4 - Pace - 8:54, HR - 164 (zone 4)
Cool Down - Pace 11:02, HR - 144 (zone 2)

Strength Training - I did upper body focusing on swim muscles; lats, lower lats, triceps. I also did some core work.

Total Time 2:34:59

Thursday - My morning spin, I did not make it through the entire 90 minutes but I went a respectable 70 minutes. My legs are pretty tired and big chain on the trainer, well it just hurt.

My run - a 4 mile easy zone 2 run has never sounded as good as it did today. The distance is short, the pace is easy, it's all good. I felt really good on the run too. I did a lot of finish line visualization - all finishing in the daylight - all a PR. :-) I crack myself up when I get so into I find myself crying on my run, but that's exactly what happened to day, several times. Oh and Lance Armstrong was there putting on my finisher's medal. Funny the way the mind works.

Distance - 4.72 miles (yeah, I went a little over), Time - 51:03, Pace - 10:49, HR - 146 (zone 2)

Total Time 2:01:03

Friday - OK, so I guess you know how this day went. It was my fastest 100 mile ride ever. Thank you so much for riding with me, all day. When you said you were going to ride 6 hours with me I laughed thinking there is no way I can ride 100 miles in 6 hours. Who knew?

Distance - 102.0, Time - 6:07:29, Pace - 16.6, HR - 127 (holy shit . . that is still zone 1)
What do I have to do to get my ass in zone 2 and if I averaged zone 1 why did I feel so crappy?

1st 50 - Time - 3:01:02, Pace - 16.6, HR - 125 (zone 1)
2nd 50 - Time - 2:58:37, Pace - 16.8, HR - 129 (last beat of zone 1)
Last 2 miles - Time - 7:49, Pace - 14.9, HR - 139 (zone 2 at last wow, slowest speed highest heart rate)

My run sucked, I felt like crap, light headed. But I did it.

Run - 3.94 miles, Time - 47:37, Pace - 12:04 (My IM pace), HR - 139 (zone2)

Total Time 6:55:06

Saturday - This was by far the worst swim I have ever had. It was very choppy and lots of waves, I was being thrown all over the place. I really wanted to bail after the fist 2,000 the thought of doing another lap was not all appealing. Then I thought well, race day I can't control the water. But here's the thing, my swim was the one thing I felt good about, the area I've been improving in and now this. FUCK!

Distance - 4,000 , Time - 1:55:24, Pace - 2:52 (seriously, WTF???)

Not even on my worse days have I been swimming like that. Now I know open water is different and I drank a lot of water, my goggles leaked and my right eye is burning on fire, very red and painful. Now I don't feel well, I feel sick to my stomach, I have a head ache and I'm not at Kim's party. Kyle's in a mood and I just didn't want to go down there alone. I suck as a friend and athlete. This is just a bad bad day.

Total Time 1:55:24

Monday, April 27, 2009

8 weeks till race day - 4/19 - 4/25

This posting comes complete with comments from Tim.  His are in blue and bold.

Questions I need answered:

1. Faster cadence in an easier gear brings my heart rate up, but slows me down on the bike. Yes, very typical. Does the same with me as well. It has taken 5 years to master a faster cadence with lots of 90+ mile rides with cadence over 90 rpm. I also feel like I should be building strength by pushing gear and feel like raising my heart rate with an easier faster spin is a cop out. Balance, if you push too hard of a gear you lose the chance of having fresh legs after the bike, too easy of a gear and you sacrifice faster bike splits.  When I can't get into zone 2 on the bike, would you prefer that I decrease the load and pick up  my cadence, or stay in a heavier gear but also remain in zone 1?  These will be things that we will cover on Friday after I ride with you for 6 hours. I prefer 80-85 RPM in a manageable gear that wont trash the legs. When I know I can push I gear harder then I know I'm in the right gear.I can't push enough gear to bring myself into zone 2, my legs just don't have it. Not the legs it's the lungs Alison. Your legs are plenty strong enough, now you need to work those lungs and that heart of yours.

2.   I feel so behind from my base and my speeds are not what they were at this same point for IMAZ, I know this is a B race, but talk to me Tim . . . .I don't feel ready. STOP! Negative thoughts do nothing at this point. Plow ahead Alison. You still have 8 great weeks, 6 of then solid training. Things will come together, but stop thinking anything negative. How about more like I'm going to nail that 100 miler Friday and back it up with a solid 2.5 swim and hammer my long run. I can't wait, I'm ready. Just bring it!

Sunday - I have such a hard time getting that afternoon bike in on Sunday. I loose the entire day on Saturday, it takes me about 8+ hours to finish my work outs and then I'm too tired to do anything else. So on Sunday afternoon I have to much to do and family to be with that I just find it very difficult to fit in.  I will do my best next weekend though.  So, , I did not do the 20 mile afternoon ride. Alison, just leave the ride out! It won't hurt a thing. Family first.

My 5 mile run - 5 miles, on a Sunday . . what a treat.  I honestly didn't even feel bad after yesterdays ride. This was an awesome run. SWEET!

Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 50:36, Pace - 10:08, HR - 142 (low zone 2) awesome, huh? YEAH!!!!!

Monday -   I ended up swimming 1600. The water just feels so nice and it was warm out  and I was happy.  I averaged a 2:14/100 pace and I swam nice a nice even comfortable pace. I never pushed myself.  I really looked forward to getting in the water and feeling the compression on my legs.  Swimming is great recovery.

Tuesday - I got up and did the easy 60 minute spin.  I'm amazed at how tired I actually still am.

Run - My easy 5 mile lunch hour run was hot. I was running thinking how last week I went out and it was freezing and today it was very warm (about 94). I also felt heavy and had a hard time getting my heart rate into a groove.  I struggled to keep it in zone 2 and as you can see by my average, I didn't do that well.  But the sudden heat will raise the heart rate.

Distance 5 - miles, Time - 55:28:25, Pace - 11:06, HR - 153 (2 beats into zone 3) Perfect

Wednesday - I ran at lunch and it was much cooler then yesterday. I had a cloud cover for a good part of the run. Although, when I would look down my heart rate was still all over the place, but I didn't feel like it was. So, I stopped looking at my heart rate and just ran and what felt slow and comfortable.  I felt much better on today's run then I did on yesterdays.

Distance - 5.0 miles, Time - 55:06, Pace - 11:02, HR - 153 (3 beats into zone 3). Perfect

My swim - an easy 1000.  Nice.

Thursday - I skipped the spin, I felt terrible all day. I had a bad headache and aching, thought I was coming down with the flu. Great decision. When in doubt, leave it out!


Friday - SheRox Swim Clinic.  It was fun. LOVE YOU! So great to have you there.

Saturday - OK, so I only biked 30 miles, ok 29.57 and I skipped the brick. I had a waffle ride, meaning 10 people over for waffles, frittatas (yum), bacon (double yum).  So I had cooking to do. Then I became very very lazy for the rest of the day and did nothing but sit on my ass on the couch.  It was crazy boring, and crazy great.  Sounds fun!


Distance 29.57, Time - 1:54:51, Pace - 15.5, HR - 132 (low zone 2).


Monday, April 20, 2009

9 Weeks and Counting - 4/12 - 4/18

Total Time - 21:35:56

First congratulations on winning the coaches challenge in Rocky Point and for winning your age group. You totally deserve it. :-) I'm sorry I missed it.

Now, I can't begin to tell you how exhausted I am by the time week 3 comes along. the last build before recovery is so hard, I feel like a zombie at times. This week has been full of emotion for me. My 17 year old daughter is falling in love for the first time, my son has spent his first holiday away from home (ok I did see him, but he didn't sleep at our home). The dog is still dying, it's like everyday wondering is it time, should we put her down? Is two hours of quality of life enough in a day to warranty keeping her alive? Are we being selfish? Kyle's working from home now, and let's say his mood hasn't been stellar. Will I still have a job when I return from CDA?

Then in my head, when I'm not thinking about these things - I'm worried about CDA, I'm freaking out about being able to get the distance in that I need and want.

I'm whipped Timbo, totally whipped.

Sunday - Jerry Haut came and rode with me for the first 73, I did the last 17 alone. I felt really good though. But I have to ask . . .why can't I get out of zone 1????? Also it is important to note that my shoulder bothered me some, but it was terrible on my ride. My nutrition sucked and I didn't get in all the food I had hoped, but nothing tasted good and I had stomach cramps for my first mile on my run, but felt better after that.

Distance - 90 miles, Time - 5:36:21, Pace - 16.0mph (that is totally the IM pace I want) HR - 126
The first 50 miles, we did the New River Loop
Pace - 16.6, HR - 126 (zone 1)
I slowed down for the last 40, but there was a lot more uphill and some wind.
Pace - 15.4, HR - 125 (zone 1)
My brick Distance - 5.08 miles, Time - 53:58, Pace - 10:37 (that's right baby off a 90 mile ride), HR - 139 (finally low zone 2).
Monday - I did the strength training before the bike. It's hard to bike after doing leg strength. I really tried to push the weight, and thought about how it's going to make me stronger.
My bike - 90 minutes on the trainer pushing gear. Sucked.

Tuesday - Today has been one bad crazy thing after another. First I overslept, I woke up 5 minutes before I needed to be in the water. Then I get to the gym and I forgot a swim cap and as you know I have a lot of hair. THEN I realized that I didn't write down my workout and because I had overslept by so much I didn't want to spend the time to log onto my computer and gather it. Plus, I'm still having rotator cuff/bicep tendon pain. So since I knew my swim was a 3,000 I just did the 500 swim - 500 pull (buoy) work out. Initially I thought I'd only have time for 2,000, then I figured I'd do 2,500 but nope I managed the entire 3,000 and I wasn't even late for work, but I did come to work with wet hair.

So, the entire swim I felt off, could have been the hair in my face, or just the drag of my hair in the water (I even had 2 pony tails attempting to hold it into place). The fact that my goggles didn't sit right without the cap . . .nothing felt good. OH and I was slow. Slow, slow , slow. I averaged a 2:16/100 pace, which is still a 1:26:08 IM Swim and I would be ecstatic with that. So I guess even on my bad day, it was still a good day.

My run - OK, so my heart rate was all over the place. I just ran at a pace that felt good, and as you can tell by the pace it's what I've been averaging in zone 1 low zone 2, but today I'd look down and I would be in zone 5. I think my HR monitor was off or I just couldn't pull myself together. Or it's just my last week of build and I'm tired.

Distance - 7 miles, Time - 1:17:19, Pace - 11:03, HR - 153 (zone 3), MAX HR - 209 (seriously)

Spin - So, what I discovered at spin tonight . . I know you wanted to see what brings my heart rate up, the answer is higher cadence lower gear. But I always think that I should be pushing a harder gear to gain strength. Talk to me Timbo . . what should I do when I want to bring my heart rate up?

Wednesday - I was up at 4am to get my swim in. I was so tired. I wrote out my schedule before I went to swim, but could not find it once I got to the pool. I'm totally losing it. So, I just swam 3,000 in 1:07:08, that's a 2:14/100 pace aka a 1:24:52 IM swim. I am still improving.

My run . .ok, WTF? It was cold and very very windy. Of the 800 splits, the first 1 and last 3 were into the very heavy head winds and the middle 4 were with a tail wind. But I have to tell you, the end of a build is so hard.

Distance - 6.07 miles, Time - 59:19, Pace - 9:46, HR - 155

Warm up: Pace - 11:26, HR - 143

1st - 800: Pace - 8:45, HR - 167 (rest pace - 12:00, HR - 148)

2nd - 800: Pace - 8:20, HR - 166 (rest pace - 11:04, HR - 150)

3rd - 800: Pace - 8:18, HR - 165 (rest pace - 11:30, HR - 152)

4th - 800: Pace - 8:12, HR - 167 (rest pace - 12:37, HR - 152)

5th - 800: Pace - 8:20, HR - 162 (rest pace - 13:53, HR - 147)

6th - 800: Pace - 8:39, HR - 157 (rest pace - 19:03, HR - 135...yes I walked)

7th - 800: Pace - 9:00, HR - 160 (can you say head wind?) (rest pace - 11:21, HR - 155)

8th - 800: Pace - 8:42, HR - 163

Cool Down: Pace - 11:41, HR - 147

Thursday - I did my spin in the morning, so that when I was done I wouldn't have to work out again until Saturday morning. I am also going to be truthful, this was a very half assed workout. I seriously just moved my legs on the bike. I just didn't have a hard spin in me. I was so glad when it was over (and I only did 1:10).

Friday - Thank God a day off.

Saturday - This was by far the hardest and worst ride I have had. I got a call in the middle (mile 50) and had to take 1/2 hour to help one of our projects. Around mile 70 I started bonking hard. I felt like shit and I was rushed at the end because it was prom and I needed to get back to help Amber. So, my numbers are ride time, it does not include me stopping and they still suck. Once again I could not get out of zone 1. I really need recovery week.
Distance - 95 miles, Time - 6:11:01, Pace - 15.4, HR - 120 (low zone 1)
Because I was totally pushed for time I only ran 1 mile just to run off the bike. I was actually feeling better by the run and could have run longer, but I needed to help Amber.
Distance - 1.0 mile, Time - 9:42, Pace - 9:42 (duh), HR - 147 (zone 2)